Wednesday, February 26

her life
an empty
drawing board
waiting to be filled

paints her face
draws her smile

to the boy
who's destined
to erase

villanous savior

you save me
give me wings
then tell me
to fly away
but i wont leave you
so you leave me
to die

Tuesday, February 25

the true cinderella story

walking away
from the past
a castle built
on empty hopes
and promises
impossible dreams
at the sight of the
escaping child

with broken pieces
all over the floor
of a beautiful heart
that used to
belong to you
thorns of hate
reach out to stop
her salvation
her freedom

taste the blood
on her heels
as it carries her
through roads
that visit only
sweet memories
making her blood
boil with hatred
for the prince
not so charming

she falls
in love again
holding her back
for just a second
until she stands up
to her fear
keeps on moving
on to find
the other half of
her glass heart

Monday, February 24

i have a secret
no whisper can escape
these lips
words imprisoned
behind a scarlet jail

i wish i could share
my bitter knowledge
that we were
made for each other
like locks and keys

i fear you'd discover
we are too perfect
in compatibility
to be together and must
remain a secret

remembering you
forgetting me
one day at a time

sadly watching
your eyes wander
to someone else

you've survived me
loving you
loving me
i survive you

with someone else
your eyes wonder
sadly watching me

one day this time
im forgetting me
remembering you

watching you
watching me
waking sleeping beauty
with kisses
from your fluttering butterfly lashes

watching me
watching you
provokes slumbering beasts
with daggers
from your piercing brown eyes

stop watching
this watching
or watch me
stop watching you